Gospel Communities
What is a Gospel Community?
Gospel Communities, or GCs, are small groups who gather in homes to cultivate friendships and encourage each other. While discipleship happens in GCs, the primary goal is community. Why? Because we believe friendship is critical in the life of a follower of Jesus. The world is a lonely place. We need more than knowledge about others. We need to love and to be loved.
What happens during a GC?
At every GC gathering, we eat a meal together, pray together, and study the Bible together as we share our lives with each other. GCs are designed for adults (anyone beyond high school), but kids often attend and get the benefit of life shared.
““When people live in community moved by the gospel and marked by the Spirit, great things happen. They commit to one another. They grieve together, sing together, eat, pray, and play together. They love, serve, honor, encourage, and provide for each other gladly. And they live on mission together. Hearts are healed, walls come down, and outsiders come in. No competition. No pretense. No vain conceit. Just full hearts breaking bread and giving freely. It is nothing short of amazing.””
What is the GC schedule?
GCs meet in four nine-week sessions that roughly follow the four quarters of the school year. Sometimes we meet during the summer and sometimes we don’t. Each GC meets weekly during each session. Red Hill operates on an August-through-July year. The final GC sessions for the 2022-2023 year run the weeks of January 15 through March 12 and March 26 through May 21.
How can I be involved?
The best way to be involved is to show up faithfully! GCs meet at a variety of times and locations. You can find more info on each GC and sign up to attend one by clicking here.
GCs work because we get to gather around a table! Our hosts open their homes to provide a place for us to meet. Hosting a GC does not mean that you have to provide all the food or do all the work! Everyone in a GC pitches in to help. To host, you just have to be willing to open your home. If you’re willing to share your table and host a GC, or if you have questions about what hosting looks like, let us know!
I want to discuss leading a GC // I want to discuss hosting a GC
Leading a GC is easy! You don’t need to be a pastor, elder, teacher, or public speaker to lead a GC. You only have to be an adult member of Red Hill who is willing to ask some simple questions and encourage the conversation to continue. If you’re interested in leading a GC, we will pair you with a leader who will model the process for you and encourage you as you step into leadership.