A local church with a local mission
Love Glen-Ed
We are a local church with a local mission: sharing the gospel and sharing our lives. We love the community God has planted us in, and we want to be a contributing part of it. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “Pursue the well-being of the city I have sent you to. Pray to the LORD on its behalf, for when it thrives, you will thrive.” We want to encourage people in our community to #LiveLocal #ShopLocal #PlayLocal and #ChurchLocal.
“It is not so much the case that God has a mission for his church in the world, as that God has a church for his mission in the world. Mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission – God’s mission.”
Strategic areas of emphasis
The Glen-Ed Food Pantry
Foster Care/Adoption
First Responders/Law Enforcement/Military
City Employees
Widows and the Elderly
The Glen-Ed Food pantry
Glen-Ed Pantry is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. They serve residents of Edwardsville School District #7, which includes the communities of Edwardsville, Glen Carbon, Hamel, Worden, Midway, Moro, Dorsey, and Prairietown.
Glen-Ed Pantry was established in 1980. It is staffed by more than 500 volunteers annually and serves approximately 200 families each month. Glen-Ed Pantry is funded by community donations of cash, food, and supplies as well as grants.
Red Hill will be providing opportunities to volunteer, donate, and support the work of the Glen-Ed Food Pantry. For more information you can check their website or email rayden@redhill.church.
Foster Care & Adoption
As of February of 2022 there were 667 children and youth in the foster care system in Madison County alone. Red Hill is partnering with The Restore Network to help equip, empower, encourage, and assist foster parents and fostering families. We will offer and publicize opportunities to assist fostering families and will provide information on the licensing process.
We also plan to provide resources needed by foster families and opportunities to serve fostering families through cleaning, preparing a home, or using skilled labor to build items needed in the fostering homes.
Long term we hope to become a place where fostering and adopting is normalized and celebrated. We believe fostering and adopting is one of the best ways to make a lasting impact on our community.
First Responders // Military // Law Enforcement
Those on the front lines of self-sacrifice and safety deserve honor. We will be working with local agencies to determine the best way to serve, encourage, and bless those who are regularly putting themselves in harms way to make our community safe, healthy, and free. Opportunities to serve will be determined as needs are identified.
City Employees
We love the community we live in. Throughout the year we will organize meals, gifts, and events for those who work to improve, grow, and serve the cities of Edwardsville and Glen Carbon. Our desire is to become a church that demonstrates the love we have for those who lead us. We want to be known as a resource, a willing servant, and a treasured friend. In the past we have sponsored movies, participated in festivals, and hosted the opening of the splash pad. We hope to continue these activities, and in addition we plan to offer opportunities to serve in and around our city as we are made aware of needs. Red Hill will contiually work to plan creative ways to serve and bless the community God has established us in.
Teachers // Schools
Teaching is a difficult profession, but there is potentially no greater influence on the next generation of adults than the women and men who serve as educators. Red Hill will be looking for ways to come alongside teachers, principals, staff, and the superintendent’s office to encourage, bless, and serve the Edwardsville School District.
Widows // Elderly
“Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” (James 1:27). Red Hill has had several people involved in delivering meals to the elderly and serving them in a variety of ways. We hope to strengthen the relationships already established with the Main Street Community Center and provide additional opportunities for our church members to engage with and build relationships with the elderly in our community. Additionally we will be seeking opportunities to come alongside single mothers and families in distress. From serving meals to leading devotions and songs to providing shelter and care, we plan to invest ourselves in the lives of the most vulnerable and overlooked members of our community.