Humanity was made to worship. The only question is to whom or to what we will give our worship. Worship is a response to whatever we find worthy, true, honorable, lovely, and good. It’s more than singing, and it’s more than showing up to a worship gathering.
“A worshiping community is made up of individuals whose lives are centered around the Savior they worship together each week. A worshiping community expects to encounter God’s presence not only on Sunday morning but every day. A worshiping community recognizes that passionate times of singing God’s praise flow from and lead to passionate lives lived for the glory of Jesus Christ.””
Worship is both personal and corporate. It happens privately, and it happens publicly. The weekly rhythm of gathering for worship reminds us what’s true about life, what’s true about ourselves, and what’s true about God.
This is a weekly rhythm that helps followers of Jesus by giving them an encounter with the Holy Spirit through prayer, singing, and the ministry of the Word through preaching. Additionally, it is our primary means of connecting as a local church. It’s the best place to meet new people, encourage and inspire one another, and check in with each other.
As we live out the rhythm of worship we obey the commands of Scripture; we cultivate love for God and people; we orient our lives and schedules around the love and mission of God; and we always end up getting to share, hear, and build stories about how God is working in our lives.