What is the gospel?
Could you use some good news?
That’s what the word gospel actually means…good news! We are all familiar with brokenness. All of us have experienced pain, loss, grief, and hurt. Even worse than that, we have sometimes been the cause of those things in the lives of the people around us. The world we find ourselves in fill our hearts with questions. What can we do about the brokenness in our lives? What can we do about the pain we have caused? Is there any justice? Will wrongs ever be made right?
“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”
God is a giver of both mercy and justice. 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us of all of our sin. How can a just God also be merciful? God is just to forgive us, because the punishment we deserved for our sin was applied to Jesus, who willingly gave Himself as the sacrifice for our sin. That’s why it’s good news! The price for your sin has already been paid. There is no punishment or condemnation for those who have trusted in Jesus.
if you want to put your faith in christ
It’s pretty simple. There are no magic words or specific phrases that you have to say. Just tell God what you want Him to do for you. Romans 10:13 says that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. That means you stop trusting that your own goodness can make you right with God. Instead, you trust that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is what makes you right with God and gives you hope for eternal life.
If you would like to talk with one of our pastors about putting your faith in Christ, please email elders@redhill.tv or fill out our Digital Connection Card.
“I’m a complete idiot. My future is incredibly bright. Anyone can get in on this.”